Peterson StroboPlus HD Owners Manual User Manual

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Summary of Contents

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Peterson Electro-Musical Products, Inc. © 2013

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Advanced User ControlsLocking the Active Edit MenuTo prevent the time-out and automatic closing of the Edit Menu, first activate the Edit Menu. Then,

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PresetsCreating a New PresetWhen your tuner displays a combination of Sweetener, Hz and Transpose values that you wish to save as a preset,press and h

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Audio Tuner ModeYour StroboPlus™ has a built-in speaker and a headphone audio output for use as an audio tone generator. To usethis feature, press the

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This web portal allows you to create presets from your favorite settings, determine which Sweeteners andtemperaments will show on your tuner and save

Page 6 - Connections

Sweeteners & TemperamentsWhat is a SweetenerTM?Unlike other tuners, which offer no alternatives to equal temperament, Peterson tuners contain many

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PEDAL STEEL GUITARSE9 Peterson E9 Pedal Steel Sweetener 1 SE9SP9 Peterson E9 Pedal and Lever Offsets for SE9SC6 Peterson C6 Pedal Steel SweetenerSP6 P

Page 8 - User Interface

BANJOBJO: Sweetened tuning for 5 string banjo, improves the major third B stringTBO Sweetened tuning for 4 string tenor banjoMANDOLIN FAMILYMAN: Sweet

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TUNING BY STRING NUMBERSGTn Displays string numbers instead of note names for 6 & 7 string guitars (7654321 instead of BEADGBE)BSn Displays string

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ACCORDIONThis collection of accordion tunings includes wet, medium and dry musettes (+20/0/-20,+10/0/-10 & +5/0/-5)and a Sweetened Cajun tuning.AW

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GUITAR & BASS TUNING TIPS:If you use a tuning which is not listed as a Sweetener, use EQU. Tune up to pitch, never down. Use fresh strings.GUITAR

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PEDAL STEEL TUNING TIPS:If required, multiple pitches of the same note in the same or different octaves within a single Sweetener can beprogrammed usi

Page 14 - *Buzz Feiten Tuning System

MORE INFOFor specific information on using the StroboPlus for your particular tuning or application contact:[email protected] Specifica

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SP-1 StroboPlus HD Owners Manual © 2013 Peterson Electro-Musical Products, Inc.

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FCC StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause har


with our factory. Be sure to include a brief description of the difficulty you are experiencing and your returnaddress. In case of damage in shipment,


too low, the StroboPlus will power off to protect its lithium-ion battery. If required, additional rechargeablelithium-ion batteries can be purchased

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Headphone OutputThe internal speaker is disabled and the output is routed to the 3.5 mm jack when a plug is inserted. This outputfunctions also as a l

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User InterfaceHow to Turn StroboPlus™ OnPress and hold the power button until your StroboPlus powers on. If the battery is drained, StroboPlus will re

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How to Edit Parameters/ User InterfaceThe StroboPlus has a very intuitive interface that makes it easy to quickly change any parameter that you desire

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